Continyed at
SKILLS AND TALENTS for a Christmas gnome / elf like life in the modern world, year around, global 5.
If you have some wishes for new blog posts or bligs, please post them at . I am not any group. If you think that someone can post your ideas, it is your own task to find the groups of people wishing to do so. It makes no sense for me to write if no-one else is interested enough to recommend my liked texts to others with such values. Or if there is no-one discussing with you what are good choices for kids, or for job in handiworks, etc. I am just a writer,
Saturday, 31 August 2024
Friday, 30 August 2024
A new book
I collected the latest texts from this blog, but in a reverse order, to a new paperback book /ebook "Building a home in a climate of the four seasons : And other texts" , which ought to be quite soon available at .
There is a free version at .
Of building homes etc for the four seasons
Here in North-East Europe the daytime temperatures vary a lot around the year. In eastern Finland when I lived there, the hottest summer day's hottest was 34C and the coldest winter morning on a walk with my dogs was -33C, so the yearly variatiln in daytime temperatures can be over 60C. Also otherwise the weathers vary a lot, there is rain, moisture, wind, clouds, sunny, and variations in the amount of variation like a curly wind for example or many small clouds moving in the sky, and variations in amounts of daylught and in the nature. These each ought to be lived in different ways.
So how to build homes for such a climate? As younger I thought it impissible to answer, but niwadays I think that each season and each kind of weathers, activity, etc has it's own needs, like basic shelter so and so much plus room to live in so and so would be nice and especially such and such needs are important that season in those weathers' times or for such and such activities, and especially good for them would be such and such. And so one could across time arrive at a list of things to take into account or maybe a diary lije notebook of weathers abd maybe magazibe pucture clios of the kibd of things suited to them, and so one would have some basic kniwledge of building homes for the four seasons.
Thursday, 29 August 2024
Lovers flying over town
There is some old Sovjet clishee of lovers flying over town somewhat like in a picture or like in dreams, being somehiw good, hooed for, needed in life, and itwas said that somehow lovers seemed to be such, but that what it was and how it was good and how to achieve such, had been lost.
If high means well for the area affected, kibd of wise in lufe and wise for tge world, then if some people interact so that their view carry their lives wusely for good lufe for themselves and for the world, especially for lufe where they affect I guess, then such a view of wisdom and of what matters in lives and in the world at large, such way of livkng would carry their own lives well if they would be together and follow such wisdom and their likings wisely for themselves and wisely well for the world. And so such woukd be good choice for them.
If peopke when they grow up and srart their own adult lives, if they have own vuews and wisdom of lufe that are a valuable input to the world, a way to live goid life in the modern world in ways that are fairly well for the lufe around and for the world and for the future of the world. Are ghey then kind of flying above the level of their normal lives, and woukd such be a good input for them to stabiluze their working lives etc into?
Is such wusdom like moments of being fascinated by ways of living, values and views to the world, and such carrying lives well? Is good music similarly a view of somehow well carrying lufe or some fwatures in life, somehow above the ordinary or reflecting some good fwatures of the daily life, maybe spreading such wisdom or jydt enjoying such too.
Does such hapoen to tourists in the present day world: interesting things done intertwine with the wisdom of feelings and personal wider sphere of wisdom of life? Life gers better when one chooses thing, olaces, persobs, etc that one likes and values, with whom it is good to live. Then one no longer feels so skriik skraak like without choosing just such a style.
A weapons museum
In the news there was again somethkng about weapins having been stolen from a weapons myseum in Kuhmoinen - is it in eastern Finland? I was kind of sleepy, hoping to quit writing, but a mention of firemen's car made me wonder, did slmeone think that we shoukd put weapobs in a myseum as old-fashioned and I should plan how to communicate such a view. So I gave it a try, but this ins't the best of my days. By the myseum there seem to be some trees and grasses, I guess such is typical to myseums kn not-so-central locations. So say that if the entrance to the old guns etc is near the right hand side end of a quite long old times style building, and there is sone sandy yard in front of it but otherwise grasses and trees around like sone countryside but nice leisurely visit with kkbds? or milutary service men? or peooke on a summer holuday visit also lical sighrseeing spots. So one coukd have nice curved sand roads to there and with some gardening type of activity near by, they maybe havibg nice shelter for tools by the museum's yard, and so they wander leisurely, doibg chores, live in a world of other kibds of summer chores, nature, spotting things like nature in biology, kind of fun like music and spirts and choosing by oneself what to do and where to go. And so as a contrast on the yard maybe 10 meters from the right side of the long wall there could be some square buikd things of aluminium ir such and kibd of like engineers and math or jyst squares not of much use but buikd anyway, the ground too having some square lines like a grid as help when children thinking of such ways to build, and so one would have a few, maybe 4-8, maybe 10-25cm wide kibd of square poles of attempts at engineer like thinking, like for exampke a square aluminium tube upwards and on top of it bend a somewhat wider aluminium strip kind of square or rectangle for with the bottom part lacking for giving room for the tube. These of different hights, none higher tgan weist height of an adult, and one at least small like korvasieni. Some idea for the grid's style from winter in town center when there is clld and the wind tosses snow low, of children's views of such, and maybe ordinary grid paper, traffic light poles style maybe too. Some of the trees shoukd ve old, and some of the myseums' guns medieval while others at least from WW2. One could have an info map of the museum area near the square things, so that could ve a way to refer to that location.
One way to get along is to kind of ask, what is the idea here? Instead of jyst destructiln. So there might be on the side people come to the yard before what I described which was before the entrance, some maybe wooden building blocks painted maybe green with thick paint but not very finely square but mire like just some woodwork, a short piece of structure buikd from them (glued together or otherwise long lasting well, and if needed blocks for free use in addution but not many), like havibg some idea in building, what we do here, how we make things well for life. Maybe three blocks underneath and two on the top row , with some spaces in between too, as if a small wall with blocks like is nice to buikd for example a sand castle as a kid from moist sand.
My books or at .
A new book in Finnish about the possibility to study school quicker
"Pikakoulu, koko koulu yhdessä vuodessa, yritelmä : Opi hyvä ajattelukyky ja äly helposti", ks. 1usd +tax, with instant download and unlimited sharing
Or at
Tuesday, 27 August 2024
"Hunger castle's hill" continued
27th of August 2024 Continued from
About the possibility of variations
" Once years ago it was in the news that a bus coming from Sweden had in eastern Finland in Kuopio driven up a sideway away from a motor highway and up there instead of turning to the bridge there driven almost steaight through it's rail and dropped down to the railway below. If one gyesses the bus having come via northern land border in Tornio, then there in addition to the Swedish tendency to be quite stuck, there has maybe been that the north is too cool and a tough experience for living beings, the summer there too short and scarce, and so the bus driver maybe had not recovered even though they had driven after that hundreds of kiloneters more south and the passengers were some chour or karaoke hobby or the like. So for recovery it would help to go to southern Finland in the summer season there daylight time sit in a garden, eat pancakes and squeezed berries, maybe also vanilla ice-cream and "karviainen" berries too, it would be floyrishing green around, uncut too long lawn with "apila" too,and trees around.
In the eastern Finland experiences felt somehow big, and after them one thought "oh, that was that, and what then?". On the other hand in the southern Finland in the capital district experiences seem tl be easy to come over, and people tend to be free to continue like "that was it, and now I can well start to do other things". When I lived in Savonlinna, it was in a way nice that the experiences felt big, but on the level of the whole district it meant that things tended to not get repaired, but instead when something went wrong, it was only marked that the same just continues, instead of like a school pupil having discerned, what has changed, what is the character of each thing, what are they from a philosophical point of view of recognising phenomena, areas of life, cultural influencies, etcso from such one could have via time have continued vua both new and old solutions ghat each make sense in such a situation, and so there would have been the repairabiluty via the individual understanding of each.
But in southern Finland things are more alive, more school pupil like, in the style "of, it was like that. Well, then we need to next time do for exampke so that... so then there st least will not be that drawback anymore." So in southern Finland and in Finland generally one needs many civiluced optilns at the same time, so one does not run out of means to cope with situations. Such is natural since the weathers here vary, and so some such skilks and wish for variatilns have many. One learns to have many options when lne seeks to live in a way that is good for the world, choosing good options both for oneself and for others, and seeking to even solve world's problems from far awsy, seeks to find teacks that are safe for lufe in lne's picture of the world. So then one knows already quite many good solutions for one's own life too, and from the people that one kniws one learns similar views of people of different inclinations, who are able to think of the whole, understand variations, wisdom of life, such views to life and to the world, with their practical spheres of life, ways of living, their choices in life, styles of livibg, etc. "
Sunday, 25 August 2024
Statues with animals?
I have been wondering quite much about publicity. I as younger did not know it having any occult side, any occult effects of being in the media etc. I did not know that such things as copies of artifacts or texts have to be somehow kept up, like at least sometomes instead of just once painting a painting the painter maybe needs to discuss on some spiritual with people watchkng his/her painting on a wall. Such is clesr of a very new hobby, shared hobby like interest with other enthusiasts, and of having been in tv without having been used to such, kind of wondering at it all. But to need to do such for a long time for a video or for a recorded song, or for some type of artifacts staying well, that is an entirely differdnt amount of work, often best cared of by others, like school physics teachers maybe support keen exact sensory perceptions needed for sports arts, thinkin and skills at large. Likewise lne would guess tgst if ststues would be holliw so that small animals could live thete, have it an ok shelter and have the statue's subject maybe as a hobby, such maybe coukd better keep up the statue's idea, it's view to life and messages. Likewise small animals maybe would agree to keep up different kinds of Christmas gnomes etc, kind of seeing such as variatilns possible in their living environment, and as a means of getting along and having shelter for winter. Because of that, but also otherwise it would look better and be wiser if there were nature near, like for example a tree or trees and some tall grasses or fliwers egc, likewise indoors some nature decoration object(s?) plus green plants. Maybe also some ordinary old times build thing like an unpainted wooden rail or a piece of stone wall build of stones of varied (quite) natural shapes.
Which brought to my mind that if one has a book shelf full of books, it looks nicer if half of one shelf is reserved for decoration: some nature decoration object like an old fallen branch, maybe without bark, a pebble, a found fallen feather or the like, maybe a green plant and a small decoratiln statue with nice wise symbolics. ( If some handicraft as decoration, maybe separately from the decoration statue at least.)
And it helps a lot if the books are of interesting subjects that one likes, good quality books of areas of life that one likes, even dreams about, instead of old nasty study books etc.
I took the pictures thinking of that it helps a lot if the books are of interesting, dream like new areas of life, good quality books offering such. Or at least some especially lifted to sight are such. 8
I.e. my book "Wine like fascination in life : introducing my books via their especially charming texts", see
Are you fetching something valuable for life from Finland
" I saw a video of a cat borrowing from neighbours a tiger plush toy
That made me think of my own texts from the point of view of some, maybe quite young, people wanting such thing to their lives, like ice cream from a shop or like I as a child wanted an accordeon and later a dog. The Christmas gnome skills texts at least are like that, see .
Maybe some such things are also what is spught from coming to Finland. It feels to, but I do not quite know all such things.
Weather skills are one, see .
Staying healthy and recovering well is another, see my blog to which there nowadays is also the link , and in the blog especially the text "As if of a naturally healthy family" summer 2024.
There is also my blog about learning thinking skills, and on a link from it a blog text with a collection of texts about gaining fair position and learning skills and talents, see .
But is there also something else that we Finns ought to arrange? What?
Many of my books as free versions at , and my books and ebooks for sale at , maybe for this purpise the page would be clearer. I have two profiles (click my name or picture) with lists of my blogs, an older one with about a hundred blogs and a new one from this year 2024.
One fetching a tiger toy maybe wants tiger like life. So you maybe want in some sense somewhat Finnish type of life. But what is your climate preference? In Finland the climate is one of the major attractions and for others one of the main reasons to move away. Do your likings in what comes to social ways, vaöyes, skill levels, wisdom of lufe, ways of living, individuality, professions etc emphasized etc lead toward certain countries, tyoes of towns, professions, climates, or the like? That is impirtant to take knto account in where to go to begin with, where to move to, etc. Especially important it is to notice are people you know moving away from a certain area or toward it.
Some of my books and blogs
The blog I have lately written
From my blog
26th of August 2024 If you would like to get a nice pet, I wrote something about choosing a pet in my poodle Banjo's blog but it maybe is in Finnish. There maybe is something also in my dogs' circus diary, but prooably not, it is in Finnish, see . But mostly such observations and advices are in these Christmas gnome skills blogs of mine, starting from .
"About choosing a pet
In choosing a pet symbolucs seems essential: that one would like the colour of the pet, pet's species, it's breed, the breed charachteristics and would choose from a litter of nice feeling parents a puppy that feels to be a nice kind of individual, with wom one gets nicely along. So then it would always nice to see such a pet somewhere, it would be a beautiful sight, a nice kind of animal person, somehow fine, fine and comfortable, nice and light to carry to to own just such a pet, one would love what the pet brings to one's life. My both dogs had hobbies: one of them was their own versiln of their coat colour, and another something in the direction of profwssions that sound like breed typical interests."
Of the towns in the capital district of Finland
" Here kn the capital district, there are three big towns: Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa. Vantaa is the least wise of these, doing things with a school like style but concentrating ln reaching for points, and so often neglecting wise valyes, especially at the level of one's whole civiluced öicture of the world instead of one's work only and what is paid for. So things often go well via school like thpughts' routes, and some may get some big benefit lije for example a new woolen shirt for one who did well in school studies. On the other hand there suddenly comes crimes of one's pal not having cared such thibgs well, like an animal rushing suddenly away and there being some shouting like between teen siblings sometimes. But that is jyst my imoression when looking at things from Helsinki ans Espoo.
Espoo is cobsidered the most wise by some, but such gets ruined by some guessing Vantaa arranging things better, and some being jyst for food and home life or food jydt enhineering. Anyway Espoo seeks to be relaxing after Helsinki and holustically civiliced with free time too after Vantaa.
Helsinki seems in practice the most viviluced in an university oriented way, but somehow the quality of lufe is not good enough, since some suppose that those liking nature ought to find such peace mostly elsewhere, similarly of practical life and own home.
In the capital district there are also Swedish speaking people, for example the smaller town? Kauniainen. Typical to them is that they do not care the whole well even though they claim to do so. It is maybe that they do not identify themselves with Finland or objective tjinking with wise civiluced values but instead identify themselves with Sweden and Swedish culture, which sees individuals as small not affecting the whole except by repeating things preferted by the culture, and so they in Finland claim to cultivate viviliced values without actually following them in one's picture of the world in ways that would be fair toward the values, snills and lufe possibilities of others, especially in the ling run. So the effect is quite disastrous, maybe like of people who specialuze into conquering jobs and positions as if those were separate buildings to ocvupy instead of somehow parts of the lufe around and parts of the wider world too.
From my blog
Saturday, 24 August 2024
A gift or bribery?
A gift is something that is nice to get, not so expensive that it would ruin the society, for example the lives of some others. If a gift is expensive, it ought to be given only to those who have such values, keep up sich things in the world in wise enough ways, well for the world.
Bribery refers to there being problems in the society because of the bribing. Like such becoming an extra fee for servkces but too expensive, maybe too unfairly divided, not supported by the society if someone is too.poor for such. Often the problem is those getting more money whode work is at lesst part of the time of too poor quality for that job.
Advices about how to get a child
I must remark that I do not have children of my own, and I am already 53 years old, starting to see things from a grandparents like perspective. But I have written some advices around that subject.
You can find my bioks at , for example on my Author page at , or as free versions at .
( The ebooks in the huge internet bookshop are maybe returnable, but is it only during first two days? )
Advices about getting along, learning talents and of how a baby coukd learn before being born and of giving birth: in my book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings". See
Advices for a child learning to walk in my book "Christmas elf like work". See
Advices for dating and for getting along in my book series "A Sorcerer", books 2.-3., or was there something useful also in the more impressive first book too? See
About good life for children and all others too, see my latest book "Traditional skills have a place in the modern world". See
There is also the book "Wine like fasvination in life".
My i.pression is that there are some other advices too, but I do not remember where.
Was it in Chapter 24. of the Christmas gnome skills text? (See X43. in the long blog ) Anf lately I have written some remarks of how a baby maybe gets it's charachteristics.
At least I have written many advices of wisdom of life, of learning talents, etc.
There was some advice also at the last post of the blog .
I think that in getting children and generally in life too, a good future for the world is an important goal, and in each occasion aiming at being fair and correcting things toward fair and honest, is surprisingly important in that, likewise healthy wisdom of life is important. Such is just somehow good for life.
The advices in my healing blogs can tell of healthy ways of living, for example the advice "As if of a naturally healthy family", see my blog , to which there nowadays is also the link
I have written mostly advices of learning wisdom of life and talents, somewhat also thinking of position, shelter, great deeds, ordinary life, etc. See or if you want a differently chosen subject, see my books at .
* * *
This is a subject that interwsts many people. But I am not a good forefigure in it, since me having a family of my own has always or almost always been strongly sabotaged. So if you like my texts, you maybe can lwarn a lot via following my texts' advices with common sense along, but like skilled people generally I am not a good source of influencies, since people often tune social situations so that the skilled get more obstacles, and so it is almost impossible for people with other strenghts or values than mine. So I also cannot carry this subject of having a family, even though some of my advices in learning skills etc can be useful in connection with the lufe skills of others. The point of view of my texts seeks to be global.
Friday, 23 August 2024
If one is tired
I have this summer gotten some influencies from northern tundras. I think that if one feels tired there, it maybe relates with one or one's social contacts or what one reads etc not respecting the wild nature there and not admiring traditional ways of living. If there is some wild natute, untouched landscape plus weather, one can kneel/squat down to look quietly at the landscapeand weather, maybe small undergrowth near by, it's wisdom of life, kind of character traits and virtues in it's style with which it seeks to survive the winter and the seasons of the year, the wild beauty of tiny flowers, jäkälä on rock surfaces etc. And so one can look at the beauty of weathers and maybe know what kinds of nature and seasons one likes a lot.
"It is happiness..."
There is a picture book type that on each opening of the book says "It is happiness.." and continues with something liked and often longed for, kind of representing all kinds of liked things, with a pictyre plus a text, like "... to have an own ice cream cone." Or " have an own friend." Or " have an own home and an apple tree." Here this was brought to my mind by tge picture of a cat carrying a tiger toy : "It is happiness... have an own tiger toy."
I guess it is like finding one's own liked tracks in life without anyone else saying them exactly.
For finding happiness it is important to aim at the kinds of things that one likes, and that means that one must pay attention to what kinds of words, expressions or criteria is naturally used of such, instead of aiming at some other person's liked goals or to like keeping company to just those mentioned, maybe because some other company of theirs likes such. I have often heard of people say of their own choices that "It does not need to be so fine, it is enough that it is good in practice, since with fine things there often comes some extra demands on style, time and money used, etc, and so it is not like a summer holiday, not like good ordinary life with summer too." And some wish for comfortable choices, erring to call them finery, when in fact such choices are good and common maybe in the climate of Central Europe or even tropics.
What kinds of jobs, life and place in the world one wants, depends on the kndividual. The most complex and wise isn't always the most dominant. Instead it is often people folliwing ordinary civiluced views but kind of making it more comfortable for their social relations. Here is a video of corgi dog Mugen's herding test:
25th of August 2024 The corgi Mugen seemed to have some personal understanding of how each person is suited to just certain kinds of jobs.
I guess one thing that one can do, if one wants to know what kinds of jobs one oneself would be suited to, and maybe roughly of others too what types of jobs they would care well and like in the long term too. One could estimate roughly, kind of charachterize what kinds of things in life and in the world one values, enjoys having them well, can bear well long term work suited to oneself in such tasks. What kind of tasks would those be: practical, theoretical, social, of what kinds in them and in which amounts each and with how high skills and other factors influencing. Woukd lufe then need certain kibd of free time, ways of living, values guaranteeing certain things, would you need a such environment fully or groups to belong to. Collecting such rough grouos of optilns, would that describe what type of person you are, what ypu like and endure with, so would you stay roughly so, does it make sense to describe you roughly such a person, without others needing to kind of build those skills for you, except normal studies plys work learnkng of ordinary kinds, so would you suit just such jobs and places.
Could you describe your kind of social statue like dimensions in such and in lufe generally: are you in something just schooled by memorising, without own wisdom of life in such, or with great insight but on certain areas only, or do you care certain tasks even sturdily if needed but not caring for something else often mentioned, so you would ckassify to a certain job instead of to any wider dominant position. Or are you weak, not minding waiting, telling thkngs again to new ones, taking care of miscellaneous tasks in quite basic skill level. Or caring for all like one who knows the traditional culture and can refer to things, books, courses, places, etc from where to hear more of such.
One explanation for me writing so much, especially about Christmas gnomes and elves
A video : "My cat went to the neighbours to borrow a tiger plush toy :) "
25th of August 2024 My books as free versions at , or for sale at .
A new book
23rd of August 2024 A new booklet "Healing 5. : "As if of a naturally healthy family"
As a paperback 5.30usd +post +tax?
As an ebook 1usd +tax, instant downliad with unlimited copying allowed
Ought to be soon available at
* * *
A video : "My cat went to the neighbours to borrow a tiger plush toy :) "
* * *
I collected the texts from the blogs and , but not these later pists, to a new book/ebook "Traditional Skills Have a Place in the Modern World"
Which ought to become soon available at .
Ebook at
Paperback at
How the old clishes continue
As a Finn I would say that a person who has just today been reading Kalevala out of interest in it, without cunning plans, and liked it, is somehow Finnish inclined today. If one would have been similarly reading travel advertisements of a certain fascinating area, it is as if one had such a hobby then, and one would guess that if such a liking continues, one could be well suited to travelling there. Kind of whose admirer one is, whose values, virtues, skills and wisdom of lufe one seeks to learn, adopt as one's syrenghts.
Likewise many old times' virtues and skills of women and men ln a certain area and it's traditional culture, for example of the people in certain professions, often has in these modern times been transmitted via books. And so boys reading girls' books and taking them as forefigures brings some rotten social cunning, which is why girls and women needed to rely on men in many ordinary things. While girls reading boys' adventure books brings some old times' healthy spirit to them, depending on how high they value such virtues, values, skills, etc, and so in some cases the tasks of women and men have been exchanged according to the values of individuals. Many consider such needed, since technoligy needs user-friendliness features, and women need a sttonger role in working life. And both need space to live in.
The most beautiful ships (askkng why is it so that the most beautiful ships always only pass you by from afar, but the stories afe from some verh distant untravelled nothern Sovjet Union)
Continued at
Continyed at
In the news there was again somethkng about weapins having been stolen from a weapons myseum in Kuhmoinen ...
I found some videos of people dancing to a song It's my life, . They danced from the wkll t...
If you have some fine ideas about what you want to read, what would be a good bligging idea in this subject, etc, please post them as new p...