" Once years ago it was in the news that a bus coming from Sweden had in eastern Finland in Kuopio driven up a sideway away from a motor highway and up there instead of turning to the bridge there driven almost steaight through it's rail and dropped down to the railway below. If one gyesses the bus having come via northern land border in Tornio, then there in addition to the Swedish tendency to be quite stuck, there has maybe been that the north is too cool and a tough experience for living beings, the summer there too short and scarce, and so the bus driver maybe had not recovered even though they had driven after that hundreds of kiloneters more south and the passengers were some chour or karaoke hobby or the like. So for recovery it would help to go to southern Finland in the summer season there daylight time sit in a garden, eat pancakes and squeezed berries, maybe also vanilla ice-cream and "karviainen" berries too, it would be floyrishing green around, uncut too long lawn with "apila" too,and trees around.
In the eastern Finland experiences felt somehow big, and after them one thought "oh, that was that, and what then?". On the other hand in the southern Finland in the capital district experiences seem tl be easy to come over, and people tend to be free to continue like "that was it, and now I can well start to do other things". When I lived in Savonlinna, it was in a way nice that the experiences felt big, but on the level of the whole district it meant that things tended to not get repaired, but instead when something went wrong, it was only marked that the same just continues, instead of like a school pupil having discerned, what has changed, what is the character of each thing, what are they from a philosophical point of view of recognising phenomena, areas of life, cultural influencies, etcso from such one could have via time have continued vua both new and old solutions ghat each make sense in such a situation, and so there would have been the repairabiluty via the individual understanding of each.
But in southern Finland things are more alive, more school pupil like, in the style "of, it was like that. Well, then we need to next time do for exampke so that... so then there st least will not be that drawback anymore." So in southern Finland and in Finland generally one needs many civiluced optilns at the same time, so one does not run out of means to cope with situations. Such is natural since the weathers here vary, and so some such skilks and wish for variatilns have many. One learns to have many options when lne seeks to live in a way that is good for the world, choosing good options both for oneself and for others, and seeking to even solve world's problems from far awsy, seeks to find teacks that are safe for lufe in lne's picture of the world. So then one knows already quite many good solutions for one's own life too, and from the people that one kniws one learns similar views of people of different inclinations, who are able to think of the whole, understand variations, wisdom of life, such views to life and to the world, with their practical spheres of life, ways of living, their choices in life, styles of livibg, etc. "
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