Friday 30 August 2024

A new book

 I collected the latest texts from this blog, but in a reverse order, to a new paperback book /ebook "Building a home in a climate of the four seasons : And other texts" , which ought to be quite soon available at

There is a free version at .



Of building homes etc for the four seasons

 Here in North-East Europe the daytime temperatures vary a lot around the year. In eastern Finland when I lived there, the hottest summer day's hottest was 34C and the coldest winter morning on a walk with my dogs was -33C, so the yearly variatiln in daytime temperatures can be over 60C. Also otherwise the weathers vary a lot, there is rain, moisture, wind, clouds, sunny, and variations in the amount of variation like a curly wind for example or many small clouds moving in the sky, and variations in amounts of daylught and in the nature. These each ought to be lived in different ways. 

So how to build homes for such a climate? As younger I thought it impissible to answer, but niwadays I think that each season and each kind of weathers, activity, etc has it's own needs, like basic shelter so and so much plus room to live in so and so would be nice and especially such and such needs are important that season in those weathers' times or for such and such activities, and especially good for them would be such and such. And so one could across time arrive at a list of things to take into account or maybe a diary lije notebook of weathers abd maybe magazibe pucture clios of the kibd of things suited to them, and so one would have some basic kniwledge of building homes for the four seasons. 

(Pictures from my home January/beginning of February 2021 when I first moved here - but my poodle died after almost two months, because of having been attacked by luars, and I was left stuck, sleeping, eating and writing.)

Thursday 29 August 2024

Lovers flying over town

 There is some old Sovjet clishee of lovers flying over town somewhat like in a picture or like in dreams, being somehiw good, hooed for, needed in life, and itwas said that somehow lovers seemed to be such, but that what it was and how it was good and how to achieve such, had been lost.  

If high means well for the area affected, kibd of wise in lufe and wise for tge world, then if some people interact so that their view carry their lives wusely for good lufe for themselves and for the world, especially for lufe where they affect I guess, then such a view of wisdom and of what matters in lives and in the world at large, such way of livkng would carry their own lives well if they would be together and follow such wisdom and their likings wisely for themselves and wisely well for the world. And so such woukd be good choice for them. 

If peopke when they grow up and srart their own adult lives, if they have own vuews and wisdom of lufe that are a valuable input to the world, a way to live goid life in the modern world in ways that are fairly well for the lufe around and for the world and for the future of the world. Are ghey then kind of flying above the level of their normal lives, and woukd such be a good input for them to stabiluze their working lives etc into? 

Is such wusdom like moments of being fascinated by ways of living, values and views to the world, and such carrying lives well? Is good music similarly a view of somehow well carrying lufe or some fwatures in life, somehow above the ordinary or reflecting some good fwatures of the daily life, maybe spreading such wisdom or jydt enjoying such too. 

Does such hapoen to tourists in the present day world: interesting things done intertwine with the wisdom of feelings and personal wider sphere of wisdom of life? Life gers better when one chooses thing, olaces, persobs, etc that one likes and values, with whom it is good to live. Then one no longer feels so skriik skraak like without choosing just such a style. 

A weapons museum


 In the news there was again somethkng about weapins having been stolen from a weapons myseum in Kuhmoinen - is it in eastern Finland? I was kind of sleepy, hoping to quit writing, but a mention of firemen's car made me wonder, did slmeone think that we shoukd put weapobs in a myseum as old-fashioned and I should plan how to communicate such a view. So I gave it a try, but this ins't the best of my days. By the myseum there seem to be some trees and grasses, I guess such is typical to myseums kn not-so-central locations. So say that if the entrance to the old guns etc is near the right hand side end of a quite long old times style building, and there is sone sandy yard in front of it but otherwise grasses and trees around like sone countryside but nice leisurely visit with kkbds? or milutary service men? or peooke on a summer holuday visit also lical sighrseeing spots. So one coukd have nice curved sand roads to there and with some gardening type of activity near by, they maybe havibg nice shelter for tools by the museum's yard, and so they wander leisurely, doibg chores, live in a world of other kibds of summer chores, nature, spotting things like nature in biology, kind of fun like music and spirts and choosing by oneself what to do and where to go. And so as a contrast on the yard maybe 10 meters from the right side of the long wall there could be some square buikd things of aluminium ir such and kibd of like engineers and math or jyst squares not of much use but buikd anyway, the ground too having some square lines like a grid as help when children thinking of such ways to build, and so one would have a few, maybe 4-8, maybe 10-25cm wide kibd of square poles of attempts at engineer like thinking, like for exampke a square aluminium tube upwards and on top of it bend a somewhat wider aluminium strip kind of square or rectangle for with the bottom part lacking for giving room for the tube. These of different hights, none higher tgan weist height of an adult, and one at least small like korvasieni. Some idea for the grid's style from winter in town center when there is clld and the wind tosses snow low, of children's views of such, and maybe ordinary grid paper, traffic light poles style maybe too. Some of the trees shoukd ve old, and some of the myseums' guns medieval while others at least from WW2. One could have an info map of the museum area near the square things, so that could ve a way to refer to that location.

One way to get along is to kind of ask, what is the idea here? Instead of jyst destructiln. So there might be on the side people come to the yard before what I described which was before the entrance, some maybe wooden building blocks painted maybe green with thick paint but not very finely square but mire like just some woodwork, a short piece of structure buikd from them (glued together or otherwise long lasting well, and if needed blocks for free use in addution but not many), like havibg some idea in building, what we do here, how we make things well for life. Maybe three blocks underneath and two on the top row , with some spaces in between too, as if a small wall with blocks like is nice to buikd for example a sand castle as a kid from moist sand. 

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A new book in Finnish about the possibility to study school quicker

 "Pikakoulu, koko koulu yhdessä vuodessa, yritelmä : Opi hyvä ajattelukyky ja äly helposti", ks. 1usd +tax, with instant download and unlimited sharing

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Tuesday 27 August 2024

"Hunger castle's hill" continued

 27th of August 2024    Continued from 

   I got the impression that if someone talks about fine things, like highly civiluced culture, without being a person who would cultivate so much at all such fine greatly valued thkngs, it is somewhat as if such a person were in a very high place, and if such happens a lot, people there thunk that mountains would be a good explanation. They maybe think that it would ve good for that person to experience what it is to be in a high place instead of having cared for everything in some subject so much better than in ordinary life of the environment. The people also would like the possibility of referring to someone having been in a high place instead of being so skilled, talented, dedicated and wise in such a high culture subject. So kind of obscure very wuse tgeories would produce mountains, while wise everyday life with the wisdom shared by many woukd not produce mountains. 

The sea seemed in Helsinki connect with people thinking "but this (academical objective thinking which they personally feel to be spirited somewhat resembling wise old times, but which view all students do not share but they may have objective thinking supporting feelings in a good spirited way but maybe not in just the same kind of work) is our job, it is good to know what such major phenomena as work like this do in lives", and so they go to seaside to watch the waves against the cluffs, ( and are maybe also interested in a summer cottage lufe like way of travelling by a small motor boat to some stony small island with some plants and even trees in it too, kind of bioligists' biew and old time lufe, presently mainly fisherman's lufe ). The sea is cold here, so it is mostly jyst watching (somewhat lije the impressiveness of some old painting from a similar place, but of course it is ghe nature magnifient looking, impressive, and the weathers demand a lot of living by their terms which of course is a fine greatly valued experience this far north) and thinking of the old times' ways of living and their wisdom, thinking of the old times' good spirited ways of thinking that are wise also from a more globally civiluced viewpoint, but had their own typical style, ways of thinking and doing, connected with the ways of living, somehiw still good there, but touching the heart of some while others would prefer some other type of nature and it's wisdom. 
Experiences feeling maybe nasty in a cold weather, are reacted to by raising the emphazis on taking the practical reality into account in healthy wise ages old ways which greatly benefit from such challenges, ( instead of turning to dreaming of other places with different circunstancies - if one likes such more, one ought to immeduately move to live there), so the emphazis on spirts nind of skills is increased, and one pays attention to the physical challenges at hand and to the expectatilns of the future, tuning one's skill level ready for future achuevements and one's lufe rythms suited to the chalkenges at hand, like tunkng one's physical endurancy toward possible times to wait before ordinary meal, before gokng in, possible weathers in between, times before so far autumn that no green leaves to carry life but ibstead the challenges of late autumn and winter, times needed for each kibd of activity, daylught rythm, slight changes in body temperature accumukatibg over minutes after having come in to warmth, thinking of times of the year suited for growing food plants, suited for each type of activity, the moods and characyer traits suited for eavh season, wise ages old lufe, thunkibg of how youth grows up, how older people and each deed of each person suppirt the society (for example by bringing wisdom of life), thinking of different kinds of professions, of the rythms of lufe togethef, of the wisdom needed, of the wisdom of tge wild nature. 

I am not so interesred in the sea. I like lakes more. But primarily I like the trees and the little singing birds in them. People maybe think that I am like a tree, but I jyst like looking at them, somehow so beautiful and varied yet somehow nothing specual, just daily lufe plys weathers. I do not have the social endurancy like a tree, people coming to me, instead I kibd of shun away from such and just walk by. I like luttle singing bird giving weather advices and beautiful views with joy of living. 

The people liking the sea maybe see it as comparing somehow with the landscaoe of life and of their picture of the world, some ages old nature, wise in some ways, giving the pictures of the world strenght and it so being a good choice for them to live in an old seacoast town and see if they can learn something from living there, in such a climate zone's nature, old buildings teaching skills of living in that climate, there being knowledge of such and a likkng for such a nature by most. 

Continued at

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