There is a picture book type that on each opening of the book says "It is happiness.." and continues with something liked and often longed for, kind of representing all kinds of liked things, with a pictyre plus a text, like "... to have an own ice cream cone." Or " have an own friend." Or " have an own home and an apple tree." Here this was brought to my mind by tge picture of a cat carrying a tiger toy : "It is happiness... have an own tiger toy."
I guess it is like finding one's own liked tracks in life without anyone else saying them exactly.
For finding happiness it is important to aim at the kinds of things that one likes, and that means that one must pay attention to what kinds of words, expressions or criteria is naturally used of such, instead of aiming at some other person's liked goals or to like keeping company to just those mentioned, maybe because some other company of theirs likes such. I have often heard of people say of their own choices that "It does not need to be so fine, it is enough that it is good in practice, since with fine things there often comes some extra demands on style, time and money used, etc, and so it is not like a summer holiday, not like good ordinary life with summer too." And some wish for comfortable choices, erring to call them finery, when in fact such choices are good and common maybe in the climate of Central Europe or even tropics.
What kinds of jobs, life and place in the world one wants, depends on the kndividual. The most complex and wise isn't always the most dominant. Instead it is often people folliwing ordinary civiluced views but kind of making it more comfortable for their social relations. Here is a video of corgi dog Mugen's herding test:
25th of August 2024 The corgi Mugen seemed to have some personal understanding of how each person is suited to just certain kinds of jobs.
I guess one thing that one can do, if one wants to know what kinds of jobs one oneself would be suited to, and maybe roughly of others too what types of jobs they would care well and like in the long term too. One could estimate roughly, kind of charachterize what kinds of things in life and in the world one values, enjoys having them well, can bear well long term work suited to oneself in such tasks. What kind of tasks would those be: practical, theoretical, social, of what kinds in them and in which amounts each and with how high skills and other factors influencing. Woukd lufe then need certain kibd of free time, ways of living, values guaranteeing certain things, would you need a such environment fully or groups to belong to. Collecting such rough grouos of optilns, would that describe what type of person you are, what ypu like and endure with, so would you stay roughly so, does it make sense to describe you roughly such a person, without others needing to kind of build those skills for you, except normal studies plys work learnkng of ordinary kinds, so would you suit just such jobs and places.
Could you describe your kind of social statue like dimensions in such and in lufe generally: are you in something just schooled by memorising, without own wisdom of life in such, or with great insight but on certain areas only, or do you care certain tasks even sturdily if needed but not caring for something else often mentioned, so you would ckassify to a certain job instead of to any wider dominant position. Or are you weak, not minding waiting, telling thkngs again to new ones, taking care of miscellaneous tasks in quite basic skill level. Or caring for all like one who knows the traditional culture and can refer to things, books, courses, places, etc from where to hear more of such.
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