Tuesday 20 August 2024

Dancing song "It's my life!"

 I found some videos of people dancing to a song It's my life, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4UkaoBWd5UQ . They danced from the wkll to move, to move according to their climate skills of the moment, the charm the atmosphere tones typical to the weathers of that moment and so typical to their mood then too. And some from the tropics danced to leatn climate skills, which seemed to go by adding to their quite rouded square like being some atmospheres typical to the nature and weathers around, in a way typical to the local ways of thinking and other climate and culture typical emphazies on fine atmospheric styles, and finding so ways to do things that carry well, ways to live well in that climate, in it's atmospheres and weathers. 

And similarly the wish of all to live their lives moving in ways demanded by the climate and trained by it, kibd of redy for life there. 

There was one really skilled dancer like a dance professional in the video, is that what people do as older, the elderly each something suiting them, like this video was on a channel reminding of Napoleon. 

Of many people dancing or doing things together, if one wants to find the charm of it, one needs to find one's own version of the charm, even if it new it can be fitted to one's skills, likings, place in the world, lne's wisdom of life, kind of saying I am wise and a part of the traditional culture this way, meaning a part of the civiluced society with wisdom of life and democratic fairly honest commln sense like ways.


One of the videos I saw during the last few days left me bondering about the name Napoleon Bonaparte. The last name could mean "a good A part freely" which I guess is a good benefit from a leader to the subordinates. When I now think of the name Napoleon, it at leadt brings the associations nainen=woman, police, smiles, on. In Finnsh "polle" means a horse, to my mind comes an old fashioned view of a rediish orange brown Finnish horse on an old times highway with trees around and a police stopping and smilibg broadly: such a clishee like view, a moment finely, seemingly very well based also on tjinki g of the colour symbolics of the horse's coat, but what will happen the next moment, what will a criminal do when out of sight, since a horse is one of the few animals who associate with humans, maybe with others too, only a moment by moment from near distance, without havkng a landscape like view of the environment, much less of the wide world. But such a good well motivated moment conyinuing on and on, and women's wise views of wisdom of life according to positive feelings in the wide world being happy, satisfied at last! 

Here is the amazingly fine, masterfully carved wooden horse statue that I bought from a wood and tree bark decoration statues etc decoration objects seller at the Savonlinna market place. 

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Here is (a little bit too small for me), a hat with pictures of stone age rock paintings, that I years earlier, summer 2008 or earlier I guess, bought from a farm shop somewhere along the way on a summer cottage visit with my parents. 

Here is the quite cheap HP printer with a nice printing sound, somewhat opera town like style or for summer cottage use, that I years later bought from Savonlinna K-CityMarket. 


These I have bought from Espoo. Now two years quite in the beginning of the year when it is still winter and not much any feel of green anywhere, I have longed for the smell of pet's dried grasses and of the good quality dried foods for rabbits etc. And earlier I knitted on two years autumn or beginning of winter, but I do not like knitting so much.  

But I have eaten really lot when living in Espoo, since this is a food oriented district in Leppävaara and I feel much better left in peace if I eat mostly according to the nutritional needs of others who do not follow the normal diet but instead via some spiritual roads make others eat a lot and then somehow steal the food or maybe body fat from them, as if such were ok. A large shopping bag almost full from once to a few times a week. I am scared of something but do know why. Occult problems are one big reason, likewise attacking humans. But on the whole I do not know why I am so sleepy. Years pass me by, I write to the internet of life skills but nothing seems to be enough for my daily lufe which ought not have any hindranges, but the occult problems are just too much for me, people coming to me as if I were a sofa or an under school aged child, not allowed to do things on my own like my age absolutely demands, would make everyone guess easy and straightforward for me. 

It is somebody's idea that I heard tens of years ago as a quite new idea, that in all countries and climates, towns etc, if one does not know the climate or culture there so that all would be ok with one's diet etc, there should be foods called "a box" which would be in a square box or in a typical kind of box, and which would have all the nutritients etc needed in that climate and place, and so the content would vary reallh from from a country to another. 


Short melodies that I composed in Savonlinna, only a few of the latest composed in Espoo. Quite many pages, see composingmelodies.blogspot.com 


Kulta-Seppo in Puumala (village near the high bridge?) used to have really fine rock painting like jewellery? 

Savonlinna opera festival is a famous big happening https://operafestival.fi/ 

Some of my texts WineLikeFascination.BlogSpot.com 

My books MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com or you can buy them as books or ebooks at www.amazon.com/author/khtervola , visit the pages at least to read the back covers!

21st of August 2024  These pictures here brought to my mind some competition like situations from school times, as if all wanted also the favourite things of others, even though did not like them at all so much even if they got them or even more than the ones liking them. So they maybe termed such a mystery or removable nonsense or mysteric benefits requiring extra helpfulness from others. Sometimes people do not understand why for example red clothes woukd be alliwed or even reclmmended for slme and to others not so much at all, and from some even forbidden. That is because the colour symbolics are meant to tell of values. One who values the wisdom of feelings would maybe like to have some red clothes etc, while sone others would term it needless nonsense. But since it is a social message of which values lne is likely to support, it need also skills and good will toward others, supporting such wisdom of lufe fairly kn the lives of others too, and in the society and in the world. And so if someone does nlt want to support such or is very unwise or values much more something which one cobsiders against following feelings, then red symbolics is kind of hindered, even forbidden for such a person and so the person maybe thinks such a form of competition in the society, which it is not. 

Also styles to be preferred depend ln the person's values, skills, likings, etc. For example wisdom of life and wishing well in the workd in good quality ways are often very complex landscape like views of life and living environment, while some socially oriented are not so interested in good quality, honesty, fair play in a landscape like picture of the world, etc, and so the differencues kn coloyrs and styles often relate to a difference of at least 1 000 fold number of things honestly taken into account oer moment or per subject. So things either run smoothly or there is some conflict lije square thinking with lues dominating and social estimates emphasized, compared with wanting to be able to drive a car, live ordinary life without interfering in the lives of others, lusten to songs in the radio, respect civiliced values with good quality, natural landscape views and commln sense with wisdom of life. 

Of the colour brown I have as young learned that it is for practical life like for example gardening and handiworks. But some mix it with black in the sense of murders, which I think is not it's symbolics. Brown seems to leave the landscape around unharmed, while black seems to typically refer to some big destruction or loss like sorrow because of death, in the landscape around too. I had a light brown poodle, apricot, and it seemed to care about the world, behave responsibly in questions of the wide picture of the world.

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22nd of August 2024   Thinkkng of the dancing skills of the song "It's my life!", if one wants to dance, expressing the mood of the weathef, of the charm of the place's nature, somethkng of the charm of such social ways, such ways of living, and the areas of life motivation, some ingenuoity of such areas of life, their wisdom of life, as if chsrmed by buying something giving possibilitues to such life, cultivating high skills and talents for them for future especially. 

Some typical charm of dance or spirts movements are partly learned from daily lufe, like slightly rounded arms being eadier to use and stronger, wiser than squarely kept. Or like the varyibg weathers set fifferent emphazis on looking, stmospheres, sensitivith, emotional ways of moving, theoretical picture of ghe world, speediness, variations, etc. 

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