27th of August 2024 Continued from https://learntalents5.blogspot.com/2024/08/hunger-castles-hill_22.html
I got the impression that if someone talks about fine things, like highly civiluced culture, without being a person who would cultivate so much at all such fine greatly valued thkngs, it is somewhat as if such a person were in a very high place, and if such happens a lot, people there thunk that mountains would be a good explanation. They maybe think that it would ve good for that person to experience what it is to be in a high place instead of having cared for everything in some subject so much better than in ordinary life of the environment. The people also would like the possibility of referring to someone having been in a high place instead of being so skilled, talented, dedicated and wise in such a high culture subject. So kind of obscure very wuse tgeories would produce mountains, while wise everyday life with the wisdom shared by many woukd not produce mountains.
The sea seemed in Helsinki connect with people thinking "but this (academical objective thinking which they personally feel to be spirited somewhat resembling wise old times, but which view all students do not share but they may have objective thinking supporting feelings in a good spirited way but maybe not in just the same kind of work) is our job, it is good to know what such major phenomena as work like this do in lives", and so they go to seaside to watch the waves against the cluffs, ( and are maybe also interested in a summer cottage lufe like way of travelling by a small motor boat to some stony small island with some plants and even trees in it too, kind of bioligists' biew and old time lufe, presently mainly fisherman's lufe ). The sea is cold here, so it is mostly jyst watching (somewhat lije the impressiveness of some old painting from a similar place, but of course it is ghe nature magnifient looking, impressive, and the weathers demand a lot of living by their terms which of course is a fine greatly valued experience this far north) and thinking of the old times' ways of living and their wisdom, thinking of the old times' good spirited ways of thinking that are wise also from a more globally civiluced viewpoint, but had their own typical style, ways of thinking and doing, connected with the ways of living, somehiw still good there, but touching the heart of some while others would prefer some other type of nature and it's wisdom.
Experiences feeling maybe nasty in a cold weather, are reacted to by raising the emphazis on taking the practical reality into account in healthy wise ages old ways which greatly benefit from such challenges, ( instead of turning to dreaming of other places with different circunstancies - if one likes such more, one ought to immeduately move to live there), so the emphazis on spirts nind of skills is increased, and one pays attention to the physical challenges at hand and to the expectatilns of the future, tuning one's skill level ready for future achuevements and one's lufe rythms suited to the chalkenges at hand, like tunkng one's physical endurancy toward possible times to wait before ordinary meal, before gokng in, possible weathers in between, times before so far autumn that no green leaves to carry life but ibstead the challenges of late autumn and winter, times needed for each kibd of activity, daylught rythm, slight changes in body temperature accumukatibg over minutes after having come in to warmth, thinking of times of the year suited for growing food plants, suited for each type of activity, the moods and characyer traits suited for eavh season, wise ages old lufe, thunkibg of how youth grows up, how older people and each deed of each person suppirt the society (for example by bringing wisdom of life), thinking of different kinds of professions, of the rythms of lufe togethef, of the wisdom needed, of the wisdom of tge wild nature.
I am not so interesred in the sea. I like lakes more. But primarily I like the trees and the little singing birds in them. People maybe think that I am like a tree, but I jyst like looking at them, somehow so beautiful and varied yet somehow nothing specual, just daily lufe plys weathers. I do not have the social endurancy like a tree, people coming to me, instead I kibd of shun away from such and just walk by. I like luttle singing bird giving weather advices and beautiful views with joy of living.
The people liking the sea maybe see it as comparing somehow with the landscaoe of life and of their picture of the world, some ages old nature, wise in some ways, giving the pictures of the world strenght and it so being a good choice for them to live in an old seacoast town and see if they can learn something from living there, in such a climate zone's nature, old buildings teaching skills of living in that climate, there being knowledge of such and a likkng for such a nature by most.
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